

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Superclass: Tetrapoda

Class: Amphibia

Order: Caudata or Urodela (Salamanders)


Total: approximately 564 salamander species in the world

Total: 43 species in Alabama


(Click on thumbnails below to see more pictures)




Mole Salamanders

Family: Ambystomatidae

32 Ambystomatidae species in the world - 6 in Alabama


Mudpuppies and Waterdogs

Family: Proteidae

6 Proteidae species in the world - 4 in Alabama



Family: Amphiumidae

3 Amphiumidae species in the world - 3 in Alabama


Newts and Salamanders

Family: Salamandridae

75 Salamandridae species in the world - 3 in Alabama



Family: Cryptobranchidae

3 Cryptobranchidae species in the world - 1 in Alabama



Family: Sirenidae

4 Sirenidae species in the world - 3 in Alabama


Lungless Salamanders

Family: Plethodontidae

approximately 382 Plethodontidae species in the world - 26 in Alabama





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