

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Superclass: Tetrapoda

Class: Reptilia (Sauropsida)

Order: Testudines (Turtles and Tortoises)


Total: approximately 461 turtle species in the world

Total: 35 species in Alabama


(Click on thumbnails below to see more pictures)



Sea Turtles

Family: Cheloniidae

8 Cheloniidae species in the world - 3 in the Gulf


Mud and Musk Turtles

Family: Kinosternidae

25 Kinosternidae species in the world - 5 in Alabama


Snapping Turtles

Family: Chelydridae

3 Chelydridae species in the world - 2 in Alabama



Family: Testudinidae

51 Testudinidae species in the world - 1 in Alabama


Leatherback Sea Turtle

Family: Dermochelyidae

1 Dermochelyidae species in the world - 1 in the Gulf


Softshell Turtles

Family: Trionychidae

30 Trionychidae species in the world - 5 in Alabama


Box and Water Turtles

Family: Emydidae

41 Emydidae species in the world - 18 in Alabama





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